ICP de Bonito MS

by Atos6



"Who are we?Since 2012, we are a family in revival in Bonito-MS, and we are with open arms to welcome you! Led by Senior Pastor Claudinei Morel and his wife Pastor Elódia Morel, our church loves to win souls for Christ and care for each one in a special way by loving and caring. Come be part of the ICP family and especially the Kingdom of God!Our vision:We are a church in cells, distributed by the neighborhoods of our city, divided by networks, being them for: men, women, youth, adolescents and children.Cells are small groups of people who meet at home once a week to study the Word of God, with the aim of developing an integral growth centered on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Each cell has a leader to help his disciples. By being part of a cell, you can learn, develop and impact the lives of more people. We are waiting for you, family and friends with lots of love!ICP -IgrejadoAvivamento -AChurchThatLovesAndIt Matters"